Amjad Khanche on the Importance of People
When you run a business, you must value the importance of people you work with. It’s important that you pick the right contributors from the beginning of your business. Building your core team is one of the hardest parts of starting a business. If you choose the wrong team, your motivation for the business will deplete, and this will change the direction that you need to move in a new business.
The ultimate success of your business stems from how well your team works, and how they implement their core responsibilities. Choosing the right team members takes time, so don’t settle for anything but the best that you can afford.
You don’t always have to pay a premium to get the best in business. A lot of great achievers and contributors are not just motivated by money. Tap into areas that work for these contributors. When you are negotiating with your contributors, a good professional challenge always works. Having a platform to achieve better things is another one. Also, in my experience, certain specific responsibility is a good seller.
Identify their values
you can build expertise, technical skills and industry networks. What’s difficult is changing a person’s values and personality, because these are subconscious and deeply ingrained in the person’s character. It’s important to build a team of people who share similar values, as this will help your team members to collaborate better.
When hiring, consider the person’s integrity, attitude, motivations and their style of work. Most things will have to be experienced along the line when you are working together. Be quick to make decisions if your values proposition isn’t working out.
Determine if they business-minded
Although diversity is important, all your team members should have a shared understanding of the rudimentary principles of business. This doesn’t mean that each employee should have a degree in business studies. Or that they have experience in managing a company. No, this means that each contributor you bring in should understand your business goals, and what’s required of them to achieve these goals.
Look at their skills
When you launch a new venture, the skill set you need is subject to the opportunity at hand. You must possess enough self-awareness and confidence to build a team that will complement your skills. Ideally, each person will have some overlap of skills, while also bringing their own specialities to the table.
Although challenges will arise, having the support of the right team will make a difference to your business. By building a compatible team, you can fulfil your business goals and establish a partnership that will support you in facing challenges.
For more business, leadership and entrepreneurial content, read the previous blog by Amjad Khanche, Challenges of Launching a Business.